Breakfast After The Bell

Breakfast After The Bell has five main objectives:
  1. Increase the number of children eating breakfast on school days
  2. Increase the consumption of nutritious foods, making breakfast programs more effective
  3. Improve academic performance by preparing children to learn
  4. Improve the overall health of children in the stat of New Mexico
  5. Generate additional revenue for school nutrition programs through federal and state reimbursements

Beginning in school year 2019-2020, schools participating in the NSLP with free and reduced percentages of 85% or greater, must offer breakfast at no charge to each student after the instructional day has begun.

OOCS has chosen to implement the following Model:

Grab ‘n Go

Students can obtain their Grab ‘n Go breakfast from the cafeteria to eat or finish eating in their classroom. Each Grab ‘n Go breakfast will be a complete reimbursable meal and students will be given a total of 15 minutes to eat their breakfast.  Breakfast will be served for 2 hours after the initial breakfast start time.  Tardy students will be directed to the cafeteria after obtaining a tardy slip in the office, to get their Grab ‘n Go breakfast if needed.