A child must possess a current census number from a federally recognized tribe or
agency. All new students must have a Certificate of Indian Blood from their home
agency during registration at OhkayOwingehCommunitySchool.
A child must possess a Social Security Number. This is important for school funding.
A current immunization record must be presented at the time of enrollment. (See
Immunization Records). These immunization requirements are enforced.
Parents must present legal verification of the child’s birth date and legal name.
Certified birth certificate and baptismal certificates will be accepted.
A breakfast and lunch application may be required during registration.
The parents/guardians are required to come to the school and enroll the child.
The above criteria is followed for students re-enrolling or entering Ohkay Owingeh
Community School for the first time.
Students enrolling in Kindergarten must be five (5) years old by December of the
current school year.