Parent Advisory Committee
The Parent Committee of OOCS will provide every parent with an enrolled child in the community school the opportunity to assist in the development of activities and address family’s needs and interest and support the education and healthy development of our children.
The Ohkay Owingeh Parent Committee will stay in close communication and form a partnership with the staff of Ohkay Owingeh Community School
The Function
- Assist staff with developing activities which address parents’ needs and interests, and support the education and healthy development of children.
- Advise staff in developing and implementing local program policies, activities, and services.
- Plan, conduct, and participate in programs and activities for parents and staff.
- Participate in the recruitment and careening of OOCS employees by sitting in on interviews.
- Locate resources to carry out activities.
- Initiate suggestions for program improvements.
- Actively support services for parents and community members.
- Communicate with parents and encourage their participation in the program.
The function of the Committee will be to:
The OOCS parent Committee shall consist of all parents or legal guardians with a currently enrolled child in the school. Parents/Legal Guardians will remain a member as long as their child is enrolled.
The OOCS Parent committee will have two (2) officers to lead the Parent Committee, a Chairperson, and a Secretary. These officers will also be parents of children currently enrolled in the Ohkay Owingeh Community School.
Election Process
At the first Parent Meeting in August, elections will be held for Parent Committee Chairperson and Secretary. Nominations or volunteers will be accepted for these positions. All nomination and volunteers must be seconded, and voted on by the entire Parent Committee. The person with the greatest number of votes obtains the position.
Terms & Term Limits of Office
Parent Committee Officers must be in good standing, meaning they should not be or have been convicted of a crime involving young children or that which may compromise one’s integrity or honesty.
Parent Committee Officers shall be elected for a one (1) year term. The term runs from August to August, when the new officers are elected and seated. Eligible individuals wishing to hold office for a second (2nd) year must seek re-election. No member shall serve as Parent Committee Officers more than two (2) combined years.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Chairperson shall:
- Conduct OOCS Parent Meetings
- Work in cooperation with OOCS Staff
- Prepare meeting agendas with OOCS Parent Liaison
- Ensure parents are informed of OOCS Parent Committee Business
- Ensure OOCS Parent Meeting Minutes are completed
- Ensure the functions of the Secretary are carried out
- Attend the Back to School Family Institute The Secretary Shall:
- Conduct OOCS Parent Meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.
- Assist the Chairperson when called upon to do so.
- Work in cooperation with the OOCS Staff.
- Record minutes of all OOCS Parent Meetings.
- Inform all parents of OOCS Parent Meetings by creating and distributing agendas and collecting. the sign in sheets from all meetings.
- Ensure minutes are complete within five (5) days of the OOCS Parent Meeting and a copy is given to OOCS Parent Liaison.
- Post Minutes in OOCS Main Office.
- Attend the Annual Back to School Family Institute.
- Send out monthly OOCS Parent Committee newsletter, inclusive of OOCS Parent Meeting minutes and upcoming events.
Termination of Office
An officer of the OOCS Parent Committee can be terminated by two-thirds (2/3) vote, if he/she is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings, is convicted of a crime involving children or one which affects a person’s honesty and integrity, or is not fulfilling the functions, roles and responsibilities as outlined within. Any officer wishing to resign shall submit a resignation in writing to the OOCS Parent Committee and the Principal of Ohkay Owingeh Community School
Voting Rights
Each parent or legal guardian of an enrolled child shall have one vote, except for the Chairperson.
The Chairperson abstains from voting. The Chairperson will only vote in the event of a tie, where he/she will serve as the tie breaker.
Parent meeting will be held once a month, the day, week, and time will be decided at the first (1st) regular parent meeting in August. Special meetings may be called by the OOCS Principal/Staff, Ohkay Owingeh Department of Education Chairperson or the OOCS Parent Liaison, five (5) days in advance of the next meeting. Current Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the preliminary authority used in conduction OOCS Parent Committee Meetings.