Ohkay Owingeh Community School has an obligation to conduct education, business, and support activities on a regular basis despite occasional inconveniences caused by inclement weather or utility outages. At the same time, the Community School has a responsibility for the safety and well-being of its students, teachers and staff.
OOCS will not close during periods of inclement weather unless conditions are so severe as to endanger the school community. The Principal, in consultation with others (Maintenance and Transportation Staff) as well as Tribal Officials, shall make the determination to announce a delay, early dismissal, or cancellation related to inclement weather.
The decision shall be made as early as possible, generally about 5:00 am. Media outlets shall be notified as early as possible no later than 6:00 a.m. The Principal or designee shall activate the OOCS phone tree for staff post notice to local radio, and news stations. Weather delays, dismissals, and cancellations are announced on:
KOB TV 4, www.kob.com/closing/index.shtml
KOAT TV 7, www.koat.com/weather/closings
KRQE TV 13, www.krqe.com
KDCE Radio 950 AM and 100.7 FM
In general, it is the policy of Ohkay Owingeh Community School to remain open during regularly scheduled hours. However, if any students, teachers, or staff believe that weather conditions prevent their traveling safely to school, they may choose to remain at home. In such cases, parents are required to notify the school of the absence, per the Attendance Policy. Students who miss class will be responsible for making up any work missed, and teachers should be reasonable in dealing with individual student situations. Employees should consult with their supervisor, arrange for proper class coverage, and discuss leave options.
Delay Types and Start Times
Delayed Opening (2 Hour Student Delay): If the Principal decides to delay the opening of school, proper notification procedures shall be followed. All staff members will report to their assigned schools to assist in the supervision of students (1 hour staff delay).
Arrival: 9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Classes Begin at 10:00 a.m.
School Cancellation
If the decision is made for school cancellation, proper notification procedures will be followed. Based on the number of hours/days missed due to inclement weather or school closings, the Principal will announce at a later date the manner in which the instructional time will be made up.
Early Dismissal
If the Principal decides to dismiss school early, the procedure shown below will be followed for early dismissal of students:
- Students will be released from school only after the Principal has ascertained that appropriate notice has been given to parents or guardians. Staff members may be released by the Principal when they are no longer needed to supervise students.
- The Principal or designee will remain at the school until all students have departed.