Student Code Of Conduct
- The Principal, in conjunction with staff and the parent advisory committee, shall establish regulations governing the conduct of students in school, traveling to and from school, at school functions, or affecting the school order. In addition to compliance with regulations students are expected to obey all rules and regulations adopted by the Board, and to obey an order given by a member of the faculty or staff relating to school activities.
- Ohkay Owingeh Community School (OOCS) has the right and obligation to support its educational function and to provide the equal opportunity of all students to pursue an education. Therefore, it is the school’s responsibility to establish standards of conduct that uphold appropriate classroom decorum, safety and orderliness in campus life, and the rights and privileges of all members of the school community. The code should be read broadly. It does not define nonacademic misconduct in exhaustive terms. The purposes of the Code of Student Conduct is to inform students of prohibited nonacademic conduct and to protect and preserve a quality educational environment at OOCS.
- Violations of the Law and of the Code Students may be accountable to both civil authorities and to the school for acts that constitute violations of the law and of this code. Those accused of violations are subject to school disciplinary proceedings as outlined in this handbook despite any pending civil or criminal proceedings or any other school proceedings regarding the same conduct. Accused students may not challenge the school disciplinary proceedings on the grounds that criminal charges, civil actions or other school proceedings regarding the same incident are pending or have been terminated, dismissed, reduced or not yet adjudicated. The school will refer matters to federal, tribal, state and/or local authorities for prosecution when appropriate.
- Nonacademic misconduct: The following actions/behaviors occurring on school property or at school-sponsored events constitute violations of the OOCS Code of Student Conduct. Any student committing a violation may be subject to disciplinary action including expulsion or any lesser sanction authorized by the handbook. Students must take action to ensure that school regulations are observed. Individual students are responsible for their own conduct and the conduct of their guests.
- Possible Consequences and Progressive Discipline are listed below, with the understanding that depending on the type of infraction, more severe discipline may be imposed without following the progression:
A. Violation of School Regulations. Violating any school or Board of Education policies, rules and regulations.
B. Violation of Federal, State or Local Laws. Violating federal, state or local laws on school premises or while in attendance at any school-sponsored or supervised events or committing off-campus violations of federal, state, or local law that seriously threatens the educational mission of the school or the health and safety of any member of the school community.
C. Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances. OOCS prohibits the illegal or irresponsible use of alcohol and other drugs. This includes the consumption, possession or distribution of any form of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, narcotics, other drugs or any drug paraphernalia at any school-sanctioned or related, on or off campus, business, activity or event.
D. Damage to Property. Participating in acts of unauthorized use, removal, defacing, tampering, damage or destruction of student, staff, faculty, visitor or school-owned or-leased property, equipment, or programs on school premises, at school-sponsored activities, or from school organization(s), group(s) or individual(s).
E. Disorderly Conduct. Engaging in loud behavior, physical fights or disruptive behavior. For purposes of this code, disorderly conduct is defined to include, but not limited to, acts that breach the peace, disrupt others or interrupt the school operations.
F. Disruption of School Operations. Interrupting, disturbing or interfering with normal school functions, school-sponsored activities, or any function or activity on school premises including, but not limited to, studying, teaching, learning, public speaking, research, school administration, or fire, police or emergency services or committing intentional acts that obstruct, disrupt, or physically interfere with the use of school premises, buildings or passages.
G. Explosives and Weapons. Possessing, using, storing or distributing dangerous weapons, explosives, firearms, noxious devices or other hazardous objects, materials or substances. These items are strictly forbidden on school premises including, but not limited to, classrooms, at school-sponsored or supervised events, in or around any vehicle, and in or on any person’s clothing. Even toy weapons (plastic guns, knives, swords, etc.) are forbidden.
H. Bullying and Hazing. Planning, directing or committing acts or activities which willfully or recklessly endanger the mental or physical health of an individual(s) or subjects a person(s) to ridicule, embarrassment, or unlawful activity that pertains to the initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization.
I. Indecent Behavior. Lewd, indecent or obscene behavior or remarks, intentionally exposing parts of the body in a public place on school premises or at school-sponsored activities. Please also refer to the Student Dress Code.
J. Failure to Obey. Refusal or failure to comply with the directions of school officials or law enforcement representatives acting in performance of their duties and/or failing to positively identify one’s self to a school official when requested to do so.
K. Physical Harm or Threatening Remarks. Taking any action, making threatening remarks or creating any situation on school premises or at school-sponsored activities that intentionally or recklessly endangers the mental or physical health of others.
L. Misuse of School Computer Privileges. Please refer to the School-wide Computer and Acceptable Internet Use policy. Engaging in acts of theft of computers or abuse of computer privileges, including but not limited to
improper and/or unauthorized access to school computer files and systems; unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of school computer systems or material; unauthorized entry into a file to use, read or change its contents.
unauthorized transfers of a file or files.
unauthorized use of another person’s identification or password.
use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student or staff member.
use of computing facilities to view or send threatening or obscene messages.
intentional disruption of school computer systems.
M. Noncompliance with Disciplinary Sanctions. Lack of adherence to the terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with this code.
N.Stalking, Harassment or Persistent Torment. Engaging in conduct directed at specific person(s) on school premises or at school-sponsored activities that seriously alarms or intimidates such person(s), and which serves no legitimate purpose. Such conduct may include, but is not limited to explicit or implicit threats, including gestures that place a person in unreasonable fear of unwelcome physical contact or harm; communicating anonymously by voice or graphic means or making a telephone call anonymously whether or not a conversation ensues, or posting any derogatory or inflammatory comments or photos on social media sites, whether or not comments specifically name individuals as subjects or targets of posts. Torment or intimidation based on ability, age, ethnic heritage, gender, lifestyle, race, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, political, social, or other affiliation or disaffiliation is forbidden.
O. Tampering with Safety Devices. Committing acts that endanger the campus community or school property, including but not limited to, altering, misusing or damaging any firefighting equipment, safety equipment alarms or emergency devices.
P. Theft. Unauthorized use or removal of property, materials or services from the school, at school-sponsored activities, from student(s), teachers, or any community member, guest, visitor, vendor or contractor on school premises.
Q. Unauthorized Entry or Use of Keys. Possessing, duplicating or using keys to any school building or facility without authorization by appropriate school officials or committing an act of unauthorized entry into or use of school buildings or facilities.
R. Classroom Conduct. While each individual teacher is responsible for establishing standards for his or her class, there is a generally accepted standard of classroom conduct that must be adhered to in all classes. Students are members of a community devoted to learning and are expected to behave responsibly and respectfully toward other students and other members of the school community. Any behavior that disrupts others from learning or interferes with the efforts of a teacher to instruct a class is prohibited. Unless a teacher or administrator makes an exception, the following rules will apply:
Students are required to attend all classes and be prepared for class.
Guests (with the exception of parents/caretakers) are generally not permitted in class.
Unless authorized by the teacher, food and drink may not be consumed in classrooms. Specifically, flower seeds, pumpkin seeds, piñon, are prohibited.
Use of electronic devices such as cell phones, smart phones, and gaming devices are prohibited. The use of earphones is also not allowed during class.
Personal toys and games are not allowed in classrooms.
Electronic devices and toys will be confiscated. Parents will be notified to come to school to collect the confiscated item(s) and the school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices and toys.
S. Student Check-Out. Students will only be released from school or from school-related activities to individuals listed in the student check-out authorization section of the Student Information/Registration Form and with advanced notice from the parent/guardian. This has serious ramifications for student safety and school liability.
First offense:
Warning (Verbal or Written); Parents may be notified
Second offense:
Student Meeting with Principal/Counselor or designee; Parental Notification
Third offense:
Meeting with parent(s), student, teacher, counselor and/or principal; In-school suspension/after school detention; Disciplinary Restrictions
Fourth offense:
Short Term Suspension
Fifth Offense:
Long Term Suspension
Sixth Offense: