The OOCS grounds are supervised by teachers and other school personnel between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:00 pm. OOCS students are not to arrive at school prior to 7:30 am unless they are reporting to an activity at the request of the teacher. In the event that the school bus arrives at the school prior to 7:30 am supervision will begin with the arrival of the bus.
During the noon hours and recess, the playgrounds will be supervised by teachers and teaching assistants employed by the school. Students are accountable to all teachers. Students are responsible for adhering to all rules of safety and conduct while on the grounds. The rules will be explained to them during the first few days of school.
Duty schedules shall be made available and located in the OOCS Front Office.
Students will not be allowed to remain at school after dismissal time for any reason unless they have written permission from the parent/guardian and are participating in a school activity. If a teacher does allow students to remain after school, he/she will be responsible for them until they leave the school grounds.
Parents/guardians will be notified if a student is to be kept after school. Arrangements must be made to transport student home.